If you knew how to execute the steps to become a working actor, would you go for it?


Even with zero experience, take these steps to start working

as an actor in the film and television industry.




Click the button to learn the business of acting!

Make today the day you step into your acting career!

Nancy Nave

Hey, I'm Nancy. I've been a professional actor in film and television for over 16 years and a career coach to actors. I'm excited to teach you how this industry works for actors, help you build your career and guide you along the way!

With 16+ years in the industry, I've booked over 100 commercials, films and television shows. 

Here's just a few of my films & TV shows...

and a few of my national commercials.


You can see my film and TV credits on www.IMDb.com

IMDb lists all information related to films and television shows. It's a key resource for those who love the film industry!

Never in a million years could I have predicted my professional journey.

I was living in San Antonio, Texas. I had my degree in mechanical engineering. And my husband and I were raising our three young sons when I decided to take a step into the acting world. This isn’t a visionary’s story. I didn’t know I wanted to be an actor until life was in full swing.

I was a stay-at-home mom, running a successful business from home. One day, my husband encouraged me to audition for a reality show modeling competition. You should know that I had zero experience in modeling or acting, so I had a lot of imposter syndrome hanging over me. I mean, really, who did I think I was? I decided to take a chance on myself anyway.

I auditioned in an American Idol – style, cattle call, Made the top 20, and before I knew it, I was in New York on the show. 


That was my first look behind the scenes of a television show, and I loved it!


But when I came home, (I didn’t win), I assumed life would just go back to normal. But my husband nudged me once again to get an agent and pursue this career. So I did. And now, 16+ years later, here I am. Everyday, since I stepped into this industry, has been a learning experience.

Whether I was learning the industry terminology, learning the craft of acting, learning how to act like I was a pro even when it was my first time on a tv or film set, or learning how to play it cool when I got to be in scenes talking to my hero A-list actors, at the beginning, everything was new.

 I had a good run of consistent bookings early on, so it made me assume things were running well.


Of course, a few of these lessons have been difficult, humbling, and very expensive.


I’ll tell you the one lesson that propelled me to become a career coach for actors. After almost 8 years, with the same agent I had initially signed with in Texas, she stole almost $50,000 from me. It’s a long story. Seriously, the story lasted 7 years.

During a time when I had 2 national commercials airing on network TV, I realized that my paychecks were late.

You see, booking a national SAG union commercial can sometimes bring in a large amount of money in a very short time. It’s significant. And in this moment, I had 2 commercials showing. Long story short, she was cashing my paychecks and using the money as her own. 


I had to become my own investigator to gather evidence.


You should understand that, after an actor shoots a project, that paycheck is sent to your agent. The agent then processes the payment, takes their commission, and sends you the rest. That’s the way it most commonly works.

So when I stopped receiving paychecks, I started asking my agent questions. I got numerous excuses from her, but no answers.

To find answers, I started talking with casting directors, producers, helpful agents, and to the payment companies issuing my checks…anyone who might help.

I asked the questions I should have asked at the very beginning. I started to understand that many of the ways I thought the industry worked were wrong.  My agent was my only advisor during those eight years.


That was my first and biggest mistake.


I began to put together the big picture of how the industry really works. With a notebook full of evidence, I went to the authorities, and she was arrested.

This is when I realized how mysterious our business is. Even the FBI needed me to explain to them how our industry works so that they could confirm my evidence and pursue the investigation.

And in doing my research, I realized there were 2 other victims that needed to be brought into the case. Their losses were just as significant. It took 7 years, but she eventually pleaded guilty, was sentenced, and ordered to pay restitution.

So what did I do as an actor over the 7 years while Texas was prosecuting her? I was working!


My family and I had decided to move to Los Angeles.


Because of the solid marketing package I had created and effective networking I had done while in Texas, I had automatically set myself up for success in LA. Within a couple weeks, I signed with reputable commercial, modeling, and theatrical agents. 

But this time, I made sure I asked questions when I had them. I listened to my gut. I trusted my instincts. I was no longer working with blinders on.

And I finally understood that it’s OK. Honest people in this business are fine with sincere questions. Only corrupt narcissists become prickly when questioned.


In my first year in LA, I booked 5 network tv shows, 3 commercials, 2 live performances, and a feature film.


Other actors started coming to me for advice with their questions and situations. And I mean a lot of actors! I realized that actors just want to work, they need representation and they do exactly what I did. 

I began to see how naive we are as new actors, even as experienced actors. I became passionate about helping my fellow actors.

When we're new to something, how can we possibly know if what we're doing and learning is right? When I started out, I didn't know what questions to ask. How do we know what we don't know? 

That's where good mentors and coaches come in.


Find advisors who are not tied to your financial success.


I was coaching actors who didn't have basic knowledge of the industry and I realized I needed to multiply myself so that I could help more actors at a time. With every new actor I spoke to, I realized the knowledge of how to get started and how the industry works was missing.

No one teaches this to actors. 

Most actors are running their careers with one eye closed and one hand tied behind their back, and they don't even know it. I knew that most of the industry how-tos are repeatable and consistent. 

So, instead of just coaching actors one-on-one, I decided it would be easier and more helpful for every actor to hold the information in their hands, almost like a How-To Manual. 


Actually, it is a how-to manual.


I wanted my system to be accessible and actionable! I wanted actors to benefit from my experiences, good and the bad.

So, I created an all-encompassing, step-by-step plan that any actor could follow. I wanted it to educate, inspire and motivate you to take action.

I wanted to identify a system, keep it simple, and show you what to do next.  So that's what I did. And that's how the 7-Step Cycle To Become A Working Actor came to life. My system covers everything you need to know so that you can start moving forward in your journey.

The 7 steps every actor takes from the beginning and repeats throughout their careers is this simple:

I was afraid to leave anything out because there’s so much to know.

So what started out as a bulleted list of things to do, turned into over 8-hours of bite-sized videos, with my templates, checklists, plan sheets, examples and real-life stories to learn from.

 And I realized what I created was an action plan to know what to do, how to get auditions and on set experience, which then sets you up to put your marketing package together to get an agent.


 A step-by-step plan that will slowly but surely

moves you along to become a working actor in film and television.


Use the 7-Step Cycle as a map!


I'd love to be your guide and your career coach.
Learn to master each step.
Click Here To Get Started

Here's what's in the course:


 Module 1 - You Are Unique

  • Even if you have an identical twin, there is no one like you.
  • Your quirkiness, oddities, awkwardness, scars...it's all unique!
  • Your reactions to situations will be unlike anyone else.
  • Embrace your differences!


Module 2 - The Foundation of an Actor

  • Myths vs. Facts of being a working actor
  • Time and money investment to become an actor
  • What it take to become and remain a working actor
  • How to set yourself up for success for the long haul


Module 3 - Acting Class

  • Which classes to take first
  • How to find good acting classes and coaches
  • Trusting your gut
  • Red Flags


Module 4 - Headshots

  • How to find a great headshot photographer
  • Preparing for the headshot session, hair, makeup & wardrobe
  • What to retouch and what to leave alone
  • Red Flags


Module 5 - Resume

  • How to create a professional resume with no experience
  • A resume you can recreate with your own information
  • What does and does not go on a resume


Module 6 - The Audition

  • How auditions work and where to find them

  •  How to set up for a self-taped auditions and technical advice on performance

  •  Live auditions

  • Red Flags


Module 7 - Background Acting

  • Why it's a good idea to get on set as background

  •  What to expect during your day on set

  • What is expected of you during your day on set
  • Dos and Don'ts on a set


Module 8 - Demo Reel

  • Different types of reels and project clips

  • A full example of a theatrical reel
  • Dos and Don'ts of creating a reel
  • Creating reels when you have no footage


Module 9 - Networking

  • How and where to network
  • How to maximize networking
  • Dos and Don'ts
  • Red Flags 


 Templates, plan sheets, research guides, audition log...


In each module, I give you the tools I use to track my business, to stay organized. These tools will prepare you for getting an agent as you put your marketing package together!


And as much as it’s everything a new actor needs to know, I still felt there was a big piece missing.


So I threw it in. Since every actor’s timeline is different, I wanted you to know what to do when you’re ready. Ready for what? Ready to get an agent.

 And when you’ve been working The 7-Step Cycle that you learn in the first 9 Modules of the course, you’ve just automatically put your Marketing Package together  or your “Pitch Package.” This is the package that casting directors and talents agents want to see when they consider working with you.


So I threw in How To Find An Agent so you can see the big picture of what you’re working towards to become a working actor.


Here's what's in the 4 BONUS Modules:


  • When and how to know you're ready for an agent
  • How to research and find agents that are right for you
  • How to approach an agent
  • Cover letters and introductions
  • Preparing for the agent interview
  • Templates and downloadable plan sheets

I know how valuable this information is and I can’t believe it isn’t commonly taught.


I wanted to make this course accessible to everyone. 


And that's why you can get instant access to the entire

7-Step Cycle To Become A Working Actor

program for just one payment of $197.

Click the button to get started today!


And then I thought, what would make it easier for you to say yes, right now, to this how-to manual?


How can I make sure you get this vital information on how the industry works and shorten your learning curve?

What could stop you from learning about all the red flags that could present themselves?


What if I told you that you can’t go wrong with this course? 

I've packed a lot into the 7-Step Cycle To Become A Working Actor because not only do I want you to be confident that you're entering the industry with vital information you'll need throughout your acting career,  but I want to guarantee that you're learning what every working actor should know.

And to make it a no-brainer, I'm giving you a 7-day, 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of 7-Step Cycle To Become A Working Actor today.

So, go through the course, check out the bonuses, follow the steps, put in the work, and if you're not satisfied in the first 7 days of your purchase, send me an email and I'll refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

I'm providing this to you at a price that is literally giving away my 15+ years of experience in the industry. But if you're not in love with it, I'd much rather you invest this money somewhere else in your career. I just want you to know the fastest, cleanest way to achieve your acting goals while steering clear of red flags.

I’ve made this risk free so you can have the information in your hands, at your disposal, at your own pace.


  • Access the only training anytime you want.
  • Do as much or as little as you're ready for.
  • Select the lessons and the video you'd like to watch.
  • Whenever you feel lost, revisit the lesson and get back on track.
  • You can see the whole picture from your first acting class to getting an agent!
  • You'll have access to this course and even get any updates or additions I add in the future.

So, if you want detailed direction for the steps to become an actor in film and television, here it is!

Instead of winging it, let me show you the way.
Instead of just continuing to dream about being an actor, you can make that dream a reality.


Looking back now on how unsure I was when I considered auditioning for that modeling show so long ago, it blows my mind that I could have said no, that I could have let myself pass on the fun, the amazing people that I’ve met along the way, the enlightenment to a whole different world that exists, a world you only get to see on TV.


I’m so glad I said yes.


Click the button below to join The 7-Step Cycle To Become A Working Actor!

You can do this! I’m proof that this is possible. And I’d love to guide you along the way.

Follow the 7-step cycle….it’ll put you on the path to become a working actor. I’ll see you on set very soon! 

Get started today and Break a leg!

Start the 7-Step Cycle To Become A Working Actor

Stop guessing, feeling lost, feeling like a beginner...

Learn what working actors are doing right now!



Trust me when I say, I know how scary this might feel for you. I was totally skeptical in my first audition. I remember feeling like I didn't belong and everyone else knew more than me.

I want to save you from the fear of the unknown.

If I can, at minimum, answer some of the questions you might have about what you can expect, then it's a win!

You might be nervous about your audition, or your headshot session, but that's normal for every working actor.

What isn't normal is not knowing what's coming or what to expect. That's usually just new actors.

I want you to show up like a pro!
The 7-Step Cycle To Become A Working Actor will give you a great view and an action plan for each step, how to move forward, and allow you to move past fear and into excitement!

Skip the hard way, the scary way, the usual route for new actors...

Lean on my 16+ years in the industry. You'll be happy you did and you'll be so far ahead of the others sitting in that audition room with you!

Let's get to work!

Nancy Nave