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25 Dos & Don'ts On A Film Set

acting career coach acting class dos & don't on a film set film set behavior film set etiquette learn the business of acting Jan 03, 2024

There are so many unspoken rules on a film set!

You don't know what you don't know until it's too late. Usually, the only way to learn the rules is by witnessing someone break them or by doing it yourself. Don't learn the hard way!

You're finally on a film set. Know the etiquette! 

Here's a list of 25 things to know. There's many others, but this should give you a head start.

1. Stay in your lane. If you want to help, make sure you ask first!

2. Don't approach actors preparing for their scene.

3. Don't touch props or move them. It's a "hot set" and it's prepared for filming.

4. Never eat or drink what's in front of you on set unless you're told to do so. It might not be safe.

5. Stay close to your trailer or let the 1st AD know where you'll be.

6. At mealtime, ask wardrobe for a smock or robe if you're still in your on-camera wardrobe.

7. Don't get chatty on set.

8. Stay focused on why you're on set.

9. If you're watching a scene being filmed, make zero noise.

10. Turn your phone off.

11. No social media on set. (There's a lot of dos & don'ts here.)

12. Don't say, "I'm tired."

13. Don't dampen or insult creativity. (Don't yawn!)

14. Don't sit in the director's chair.

15. Be positive and courteous at mealtime.

16. No negative talk on set.

17. Don't lean on equipment, boxes or lights on set.

18. You're wearing a microphone!

19. Give ALL wardrobe back. 

20. Parking can be tight. Ask for help if needed.

21. Be on time...or even better, be early!

22. Use the bathroom in your trailer before you go to set.

23. Don't hit on people on set.

24. Don't bring negative attention to yourself.

25. Always be kind to everyone!

These might look like rules you learned in kindergarten.

They are. But some of what we learn as adults needs to be modified. These are also rules you need to use in your acting class. Remember, the director is the boss of the set. The acting coach is the boss of class. Their rules, their way. Sometimes you gotta swallow your pride. Do your job and move on.

The best rule is to listen more than you speak.

If you're still getting your feet wet, make sure to observe as much as you can when you're on set. Watch what each person is doing. Everyone has a very specific job. 

As actors, our job is to show up on time, be prepared to film our scenes and get off the set. Seriously. They don't want extra bodies hanging around. It adds more risk and chaos to production.

Have fun, enjoy your time on set. You've earned it. The more professional you are, the easier it will be to get invited back.

Break a leg!


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