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Is It Too Late To Start Acting?

getting started Jul 31, 2023

If you're just becoming aware that you might want to give acting a shot, but you're worried it's too late for you, don't worry! The time to start is right now!

No matter how old you are, or how much training or experience you have, there's always room for more actors in the industry. You just might be exactly what the producer is looking for. It happens all the time. 

We need all types of people to fill in the world of film and television. It takes people of all ages, ethnicities, languages, body types, disabilities, etc.  No matter what you look like, you will bring something special to any character you play. 

You may find that you love acting class, but choose to never audition. Acting isn't about getting on tv or film, it's about the art of acting. But if you hunger to get on screen, you'll have that chance.

You've got to throw your hat in the ring to be considered, so get started. 

And if you don't know how or where to start, I created a free workshop on exactly that. Watch for free and take notes! I hope to see you on set!

Break a leg.



Learn how to become a working actor in film & television in 7 steps.

Watch my free workshop. Even if you've never acted in your life, here's how you start.

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