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Stop Selling Yourself When Networking

art of conversation be likeable great first impression listen more than you speak networking Jan 23, 2024

When you meet a "person of influence" in the film and television industry, how to make a good first impression?

Instead of spilling out your resume credits or touting the famous people you've worked with, focus on listening and adding to the conversation. People need to like you before they consider working with you. 

People are deeper than what they do in the business.

They're also parents, sports fanatics, music lovers, travelers, pet owners, etc. They have more interesting things to talk about than just their work. They're also used to being approached and sold to every day. So be different. Don't sell yourself as an actor. Be a good human being first. Be interesting. That's what makes you memorable in a conversation.

Watch the video for how to manage a conversation with a Hollywood influencer. You're more than just an actor. Keep networking and practicing the art of conversation.

Break a leg! Nancy

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